Why Did Nicaragua Release Part Of The Hybrid War Coup Networks?
It is hard to imagine trusting the US to keep its word in any exchanges beyond those taking place simultaneously for tangible things even more so with promises of New Cold War policy recalibrations.
In its opposition to the global systemic transition to multipolarity, the United States maintains its neocolonial foreign policy of a "Rules-Based Order," which is carried out through ultimatums, political deception, and Hybrid Warfare around the region. The article will focus on how Nicaragua's government has somewhat backpedaled on its Democratic Security commitments by releasing a part of a recently dismantled Hybrid War networks working on regime change against the Sandinista government.
The Nicaraguan government has decided to release part of the agents' of the Hybrid War against the Central American country. What the mainstream press dishonestly called a release of “political prisoners”, in reality, were elements involved in regime change operations. These individuals were imprisoned for utilizing NGO networks to create a phantom state within the Nicaraguan nation to promote regime change through information warfare and violence. The Sandinista government by returning a portion of these Hybrid Warfare agents has allowed the US prospects to create a government in exile – much like in Venezuela – as to continue the coup efforts against Nicaragua.
Nicaragua had recognized the need for reforms in Democratic Security and counter Hybrid Warfare in the legal sphere, first intervening with the NGOs directly involved with the 2018 coup attempt with foreign links and then focused on NGOs that were not complying with State regulations. Policies designed to counter Hybrid War tactics and strategies are known as Democratic Security since they aim to secure the national model of democracy in whichever country they’re practiced. Nicaragua, like all countries, has its form of democracy with the capacity for growth through constructive self-criticism and peaceful proactive reforms.
All of these individuals are listed on the US State Department payrolls, have salaries from USAID, and some are even paid by the CIA itself. They are ideological mercenaries, spies, and saboteurs prepared and trained to carry out coups d'état. For example, the Chamorro family is part of the CIA cells built up and protected by the CIA to strengthen the family with economic and political power. USAID, a CIA front, helped create and train Nicaragua's anti-Sandinista opposition with tens of millions of dollars over years of work. The Chamorro Foundation, which is accused of money laundering, is at the heart of its operations. The NGOs based in Nicaragua are required to comply with certain laws passed by the National Assembly and regulated by the Ministry of Public Administration of the country. With this in mind, Nicaragua is practicing a policy of "democratic security", based on counter Hybrid Warfare tactics and strategies aimed at reinforcing national models of democracy.
I invite the reader to read my previous entries on Nicaragua which shed light on the ongoing Democratic Security efforts by the Sandinista nation with cooperation from multipolar giants:
July 2022 * Chinese Ambassador's Arrival On Nicaraguan Soil Strengthens Global Multipolar Transition
August 2022 * US Ambassadorial Nominee Confirms Role of NGOs In The Hybrid War Against Nicaragua
Just when it seemed that the Nicaraguan government had already made up its mind to politically neutralize these terrorists, mercenaries, and spies of different stripes for good, this de-escalation of sorts takes place, which by all accounts seems counterproductive to any standard Democratic Security approach. Of course, it is not unheard of that these things take place, Russia and China many believe a swap may have taken place, with the US getting back its huge investments in personnel with deadly skills.
Certainly, we can think of several examples of recent nonmilitary prisoner swaps between conflicting nations but none are as extreme as the Nicaraguan case, firstly because their arrested personnel were directly involved in plots and schemes to debilitate and destroy the Nicaraguan state in a Hybrid War coup d'état. In contrast to the recent prisoner swaps of WNBA player Brittney Griner and businessman Viktor Bout crafted with diplomacy between Moscow and Washington, neither Griner nor Bout wore linked to regime change activities when arrested. Another example would be when China, the U.S., and Canada completed a prisoner swap where two Canadians held by China were traded for an executive of Chinese global communications giant Huawei Technologies that had been taken hostage as part of the west's New Cold War. In these examples, none of the prisoners were involved in a high stake plot to execute regime change, unlike Nicaragua's arrested Hybrid War agents.
As to why the Central American country has chosen to release these dangerous criminals and terrorists is anyone's guess, for readers who are unaware of even though the 2018 armed Hybrid War coup d'état was neutralized, it nevertheless had major NGO networks that the US continued to support within Nicaragua waiting for new opportunities to execute the removal of the Sandinista government from power. The NGOs have created a subversive system in Nicaragua and it is fully exposed in the role played by NED, USAID, Freedom House, and other agencies that funded proxy networks to carry out their pro-US agenda in Nicaragua. These entities in turn funded illegal secondary organizations ensuring they would evade state registration to further craft particular networks. In this way, the NGOs involved that generated destabilization in Nicaragua from April 2018 in violation of the Law had as a consequence the cancellation of their legal status.
Is this a case of one step forward and two steps back on the part of the Sandinista government, or is there information we don't have? Not having access to US-Nicaraguan communications makes it all a game of geopolitical guesswork. We have no certainty if the Nicaraguan government was threatened by the US deep state to release their Hybrid War and regime change personnel nor do we have exact information if anything was offered to the Nicaraguan government in exchange. If not a prisoner swap then swap off in terms of political action, that is policy. The United States government said the massive release was a unilateral decision by the government of President Daniel Ortega who for his part vehemently refused to have taken part in any sort of diplomatic exchange with the United States.
It becomes mandatory to understand that all US offers will turn out to be false and unfulfilled. The US only defends its strategic interests, it has no allies as such, and it does not know honor nor gratitude. If, for example, the US promised Nicaragua to ease the blockade and sanctions it has against it for the release of coup personnel, are they really to be trusted? It is hard to imagine the US to keep its word in any exchanges beyond those that take place simultaneously for tangible things, like promises about New Cold War policy recalibrations, specially in the midst of a global systemic transition toward multipolarity.